recently,we received email from newbie
they ask on how to start bonding n handling new sugar glider :)
few tips for newbie :)
sugar gliders will need some time in getting used to their new owners & surroundings
do NOT scare your glider by grabbing him quickly and unexpectedly
you should handle your new suggie very gently using a cupped hand so that your glider feels as though his/her body is supported
you must handle your new suggie daily once you get him/her so the bonding process will start
sugar gliders are nocturnal
so the best time to handle them is preferably in the mornings just before they go to sleep
before they get up at night
you must work with them daily
so that they become familiar with your scent which will make your glider more trusting of you
they will have to get used to all the new sounds, sights, smells, and food that are now part of their new home
its recommended that you try to hand feed your pet some treats he/she may enjoy (such as yogurt drops or dried fruits)
this will get him used to seeing your face and smelling your scent
at this point the bonding process has begun