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Sunday, November 29, 2009


its all bout feeding suggie :)

do NOT feed ur sugar glider :

1. candy or junk food
2. onions or foods with onion powder (it is toxic to pets)
3. wild insects (they could have parasites or pesticides on them)
4. houseplants (not even if they are non toxic)
5. distilled water
6. canned fruits (contains preservatives and lots of chemical
7. raw eggs or meat
8. chocolate,coffee,tea and soda (toxic to glider)
9. food that have high fat content
10. avoid feeding avocados (high in fat & contains toxins known as cardiac glycosides
11. plats or branches that are toxic

things that SHOULD NOT be a regular part of their diet :

1. nuts (only as occasional treats)
2. cat or dog food
3. ferret food (It's extremely high in fat)
4. any foods with a lot of fat or refined sugar