..fruit list..AcerolaApples
Apricots Asian Pear Avocado Bananas Blackberries Blueberries Breadfruit CantaloupeCarambola Carissa Casaba MelonCherimoya Cherries Coconut Concord Grapes Crab Apples Cranberries Currant Custard Apples Dates Elderberries Figs Gooseberries Grapefruit Grapes Ground Cherries Guava HoneydewJackfruit Java Plum Jujube Kiwi Kumquat Lemon Lemon Peel Lime Lime PeelLongansLoquats Mammy Apple Mandarin Oranges Mango Mulberries NectarineOheloberries Orange Peel Oranges Papaya Passion Fruit Peaches Pears Persimmon PineapplePitanga Plantain Plums Pomegranate Prickly Pear PrunesPummelo Quince Raisins Raspberries Rose Apple RoselleSapodillaSapoteSoursop Strawberries Sugar Apple Tamarind Tangerine Tomato Watermelon..vegie list..Acorn Squash Alfalfa Sprouts Amaranth Artichoke Asparagus Bamboo Shoots Beet Greens Beets Black-Eyed Peas Bok Choy Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Burdock Roots Butternut Squash Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chayote Chicory Greens Chinese Cabbage Collard Greens Coriander Corn Cowpeas Cucumber Dandelion Greens Dock Eggplant Endive French Beans Ginger Root Green Beans Green Pepper Jew's Ear Jicama Jute Kale Kohlrabi Lettuce (Butterhead) Lettuce (dark green leaf) Lettuce (iceberg) Lettuce (Red) Lettuce (Romaine) Lima Beans Lupines Mushrooms Mustard Greens Mustard Spinach Nana Cabbage Okra Parsley Parsnips Peas Potato Pumpkin Radish Red Peppers Rutabagas Snow Peas Soy Bean Spaghetti Squash Spinach Summer Squash Sweet Peppers (Green) Sweet Peppers (Red) Sweet Potatoes Swiss Chard Tofu Turnip Turnip Greens Watercress Winter Squash Yams Yellow Wax Beans Zucchinibelow are some controversial issues :Tofu & Soy Products: Tofu is recommended by Caroline MacPherson as a good source of protein. But some breeders are opposed to soy products being given to sugar gliders. Research on some other animals shows tofu can have a negative effect on the digestive system. As far as we know, a negative effect on sugar gliders has not yet been proven. Some breeders object to tofu because it is a protein source from beans, rather than meat or insect.
Grapes & Raisins: Suncoast Sugar Gliders believes that there may be a connection from grapes and raisins to kidney failure in sugar gliders (as well as other pets). Click here to read Suncoast's newsletter regarding the grape controversy.
Fruit Pits, Skins, and Seeds: There is some debate over whether or not it is safe to leave pits, seeds, and skin on/in fruits. I have read from several sources stating you should remove pits from any fruit that you give your gliders. I ran across this newsletter by Suncoast, which states that although pits, skins, and seeds are bad for gliders, they have come to realize that gliders are smart enough not to eat them and that it is ok to not remove them.
credit to sweetsg